
雅思口语范文-Describe your favorite season or time in the year

发布时间:2021-03-05 16:04:49浏览次数:318文章来源:培顿教育
导读: Well, the four seasons are distinct in most regions of China And among them, autumn is my favorite season There are many reasons I like it Firstly, it is temperate season, that s to say, it is neither too hot nor too cold
Describe your favorite season or time in the year
   Well, the four seasons are distinct in most regions of China. And among them, autumn is my favorite season. There are many reasons I like it. Firstly, it is temperate season, that's to say, it is neither too hot nor too cold in autumn. Since ShenYang is famous for its sweltering weather in summer, this makes autumn precious and pleasant. Secondly, it is a good time to do some outdoor activities or sightseeing. Many people in SY make full use of this golden season to go camping and hiking. Beside, autumn is also a colorful season with harvest, so I can enjoy so many tasty pineapples and grasps. To tell you the truth, at this time every year, I will go to the orchard to pick apples, pears and oranges. Most people always keep in good mood in this season. Actually, it is the most popular season in our city.



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