
雅思口语Part1高分素材:Staying up late

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  Staying up late

  1) Do you sometimes go to bed late?

  2) Is it important to have a good sleeping quality?

  3) What kind of activities do people do to improve their sleeping


  4) What do you do when you stay up late?

  5) Why some people have to stay up late ?

雅思口语Part1高分素材:Staying up late

  1) Yes, sometimes I have papers to finish and have to stay up late. But when I have nothing to do, I sometimes also sleep late and watch movies or shop online. I know this is unhealthy, But I can't help to do so, it's like drugs.

  2) No doubt. If people can’t sleep well, they won’t be able to focus during the day

  3) There are many activities that serve the propose. For example, some people may have a cup of warm milk or do some yoga before bed. Others may just turn off their phones.

  4) Usually I stay up late in order to finish the tasks my teacher gave me, and sometimes I also stay up late to read novels or watch TV series, I kind of like the feeling of enjoying something alone in quiet and dark environment, it's like I am the only one left in the world.

  5) There are many reasons for that. For example, people many have to stay up late for their work or study. Also, some people may go to the clubs at night.



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