

发布时间:2020-10-19 17:18:00浏览次数:643文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  前面我们分享了雅思口语话题【一个精力充沛的人】的思路拓展、思路解析以及高分表达,学生们可以根据老师的解析试着说一下,下面是老师





  To qualify as a “truly” energetic person, I think someone must be passionate: passionate about what they want to do and work tirelessly on that. It can be anything from finishing a degree to writing your beloved fictional novel. In any of these cases, he/she is focused and the energy is well spent!

  I was lucky to meet such an energetic person recently. Last week, I attended a teaching competition in our school. Each contestant needed to deliver a 10-minute demonstration lecture, and it was my first time to meet most of my fellow IELTS speaking teachers! When I first walked into the room before the competition started, I was struck by the variety of characters inside! Everyone was friendly. Some were very quiet (and I’m not sure if they are being humble or just over confident lol), and some were talkative and busy catching up with their colleagues. When the competition started, it almost looked like a talent show! Each participant played to their own strengths and delivered the best 10-minute presentation they could ever give. One presented with a heavy British accent, one showcased his insight after preparing 400 pages of notes, and one shared his distinct approach to solve questions. Finally, a gentleman called Leo stepped on to the stage. I was immediately attracted by his great energy! He turned an academic presentation into an electric performance! He was loud, lively, sharp-tongued and hilarious, and he moved around the entire podium. He gave a well-thought and technical presentation, but he performed with such lively energy that it felt just like Beyonce had hit the stage!!

  After the competition, I spoke to Leo and learnt that he’s a long-time reader, and has been reading tirelessly on a variety of foreign literature in order to be well versed in English. I really admire how driven and hardworking he is on improving what he loves, and I think some students will be excited to have a lecturer as passionate and energetic as Leo.


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