

发布时间:2020-10-15 17:08:11浏览次数:237文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part2-诗句或歌词,这个题目难度还是比较大的,本文就和小编一起来详细的看一看吧,高分答案应该怎么入手!小编建议大家在备考



  Describe a line (or a few words) that you remember from a poem or song. You should say:

  -What it is

  -Which song or poem is from

  -How you knew it

  -How you feel about it

  Well, you might laugh at me but I’m more than eager to talk aboutevery child’s lullaby,

  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star since it has a deeper meaning if we listen to it closely. I find the

  many interpretations of that song both entertaining and fascinating. The lyrics of this lullaby are from the poem, The Star, written by an English poet Jane Taylor from the 19th century.

  译文:好吧,您可能会笑我,但我非常想说说小孩的催眠曲,小星星,因为如果我们仔细听,它的含义更深。我发现这首歌的许多诠释既有趣又令人着迷。这首催眠曲的歌词来自19世纪英国诗人Jane Taylor的诗《The Star》。

  Of course, I learned this song when I was little and  I believe this is part of everyone’s

  childhood. This song or poem has many adaptations around the world which makes it more accessible to everyone and because of that, it became world-famous. Actually, that song reminds me of my innocence when all I wanted was to be safe in my parents’ loving arms most especially when I needed to hit the hay. Listening to it helped me get to sleep because of its soothing melody. That’s when I was just a kid.


  Back when I started learning literature in school during my high school days, I realized that it could be interpreted in so many ways. Upon reading some interpretations, I did learn that that song was more than a song formaking a child sleep. First, what I learned was that that’s written from the perspective of a child who wonders and addresses the star directly to what it is. It does simply portray the innocence of a child.


  However, the interpretations vary a lot, I read some interpretations of that song from different authors or poets, and I learned that it could mean a poor man’s wonder about what it would be like to have a privileged kind of life but one interpretation that struck me the most was the the political view of that song. The first line, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How I Wonder What You  Are,  could mean, an ordinary man sees political leaders but doesn’t know anything about them. The second line, Up Above The World So High, Like A Diamond In The Sky could simply mean, those leaders are higher than everyone else and that makes them untouchable by the ordinary people. Diamond could mean the wealth that leaders possess which the commoners could only wish for. Well, anyway, that’s what I like about songs or poems – they’re open for many interpretations and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is no exception.




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