
雅思口语PART 1话题高分素材:entertainment

发布时间:2020-09-30 11:03:56浏览次数:479文章来源:培顿教育
导读: 相信很多雅思考生在备考雅思口语的时候,都会出现有想法说不出来的情况,归根结底还是素材的积累不够,所以在日常备考中,对于雅思口语素材的积累是非常关键的一部分,这里我们为大


  entertainment | 娱乐篇:

  1. How efficient do you feel about your learning? (If it’s not efficient, what is the distraction?) / 学习效率?

  My learning efficiency normally goes with my mood to be honest.

  I’ve heard lots of people saying that they don’t feel like doing anything when they are in a down mood, but sometimes the bad emotions could also be my motivation. I’m the kind of person who needs to concentrate on something else to distract my attention if being in a wrong mood.

  Everything can be the distraction if you’re not in the mood for studying. For example the notifications from the social apps you have, or simply your own will to hang out with your friends.


雅思口语PART 1话题高分素材:entertainment

  2. Would you prefer to relax alone or have fun with ppl? and why / 喜欢独处or狂欢?

  I used to be kind of introverted, but somehow as time goes by, my character has changed a bit. I still enjoy staying alone tho because I need sometime for self-reflection, but now I also love to socialise with ppl as talking with others can definitely put me at ease.


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