
雅思口语:成功的小公司话题总结(How you feel about it)

发布时间:2020-09-22 17:22:56浏览次数:394文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  这个话题我们从四个方面来分析描述的,那么最后应该做一个总结性的描述,一起来看看:  How you feel about it  针对这个小问


  How you feel about it



  大致我们可以分为三类:顾客/ 员工/ 投资人。从这三种身份来看,我们对公司的感受也会越来越深入。

  (1)Clients/ Customers 客户/顾客


  Example one:Product 产品

  I really like the company and it has completely changed my attitude towards Chinese brands which I have often seen as poor quality. Their whole makeup line is high quality, but a fraction of the price 一小部分的钱 of luxurious brands, like Chanel and Dior. They also have a slick design 精致的包装 which make them stand out. Because of this, I highly recommend the company to all of my friends.

  Example two:Service 服务

  I am a huge fan of the company and I am really impressed with its service. They have an app where you can order food directly and they deliver it to your door.

  As they know customers can be indecisive 纠结的, they have a feature on their app which stores customer data according to their preferences. They also give recipe suggestions which I find really helpful. Every time I have used it, the food has been fresh and the delivery has been fast.

  (2)Employees 员工


  Example one:Working hours/ Work place 工作时间/ 工作地点

  I really love the company and would like to work there in the future. They are very flexible when it comes to working hours and they don’t mind if you decide to work from home. This is a huge attraction for many people especially if they have children. It also means you don’t have to deal with office politics 办公室政治.

  Example two:Leader 领导

  I feel very lucky to be a part of the company, mainly because of my boss. Unlike bosses in other companies who are cold and mean 吝啬的, our boss cares about us and he is very generous. We get a great salary with many perks 额外津贴. We also get to take a trip together every August.

  We stay in luxurious hotels and eat very well. It is a kind of team building activity which we all appreciate. He also lets us bring our children to work, as there is a crèche [kreʃ] 托儿所 for them to play. I really don’t know any other companies who are this kind and considerate. Nobody ever leaves.

  Example three:Employees 员工

  I really enjoy working for this company mostly because of the work environment. Everyone treats each other like they are family so you always feel at home working there. There are no office politics like in most other companies, the people are warm and kind and will help you with anything you need. I think it is a great place to work.

  (3) 投资人


  Example one:Revenue 收益

  I think it’s a very promising company. Even though it has only been around for a few years, it has surpassed 超越 every other start-up company in terms of success and popularity. Their annual revenue for last year went through the roof 飞涨. Because of this, they have attracted many investors, including Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and Pony Ma, the founder of Tencent.

  Example two:Enterprise culture (Charity work) 企业文化

  I am intrigued by the company, as they have a good sense of social responsibility 社会责任感. Even though they are a small company, from the start they have always been involved in charity. Every month, they donate at least 10,000 yuan to students from poor families so they can continue with their education.

  Last year, they even donated 1/4 of their revenue so the charity could build a primary school in the west of China. They named it “Sunlight primary school”. Their aim is to bring children hope and give them a safe place to study.


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