
雅思口语Part2素材:a time that you got lost!

发布时间:2020-07-28 17:26:50浏览次数:419文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part2素材:a time that you got lost!雅思口语学生们在考前一定是做了大量的练习的,见过了很多素材,在正式考试时才能

  雅思口语Part2素材:a time that you got lost!雅思口语学生们在考前一定是做了大量的练习的,见过了很多素材,在正式考试时才能从容应对考官的提问,下面一起来看看一个素材的参考答案



  when it happened

  who was there with you

  how you felt

  and explain how you found your way.


  I think people will hardly get lost these days with the help of navigation app in smart phones. The situation that I got lost was in a market when I was about 4 years old. This was the only time that I get lost in my life, because I have a very good sense of direction. My grandma took me to a market one day and it was so crowded that day. Unfortunately, I was broken up with my grandma, what's worse, she was in the middle of a bargaining process that she didn't find out.

  I, a three year old kid, was all alone walking in the street and crying. I was too young to remember any name of my family members. At that time I was walking to a direction in which I thought it might be of home.

  I didn't have much feeling except feeling happy, sad and scared. I could not remember the exact feelings. Some adults tried to speak to me or take me away. But all this made me cry even harder, I kept walking and walking and walking to a house which I thought it might be my house. I walked in the yard of the house. After figuring out this was not the right place, I sat in the middle of the yard, continued to cry.

  After a minute, a woman came out of the house and tried to comfort me with a bar of chocolate which I didn't take. She asked me if I knew any information about my home, her soft voice suddenly made me remind the telephone number of my house. She asked me to go inside the house and phone my family, but I refused. So she went inside and phoned my dad, who was looking around for me. And not after long my dad drove to this place and picked me up, together with my mom, grandpa and grandma.

  I have never met this woman again in my life, I cannot remember her face any longer. But what I cannot forget is her voice, I usually think of her voice whenever I visit a strange place.


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