

发布时间:2020-07-21 17:38:30浏览次数:282文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语part2新题8分素材:一个有趣的邻居 雅思口语考试是很多同学非常担心的一项,口语相对还是有难度的。雅思考试逐渐恢复,烤鸭们准备好了吗?你的雅思口语复习得还好吗?本文

  雅思口语part2新题8分素材:一个有趣的邻居 雅思口语考试是很多同学非常担心的一项,口语相对还是有难度的。雅思考试逐渐恢复,烤鸭们准备好了吗?你的雅思口语复习得还好吗?本文小编为大家分享雅思口语5-8月新题:一个有趣的邻居  高分素材,供大家参考学习,后面要考试的烤鸭加油啦!争取一次拿到高分!



  ( 与 17 年 5-8 月 新 题相似 )

  Describe an interesting neighbor You should say

  Who this person is

  How you know this person

  what this person likes to do

  and explain why you think he/she is interesting


  The person I’m going to talk about is Alex, who lives next door to my apartment. Alex is in his sophomore year in Ocean University of China, which is great because I’m a big fan of that university and I always ask him to take me to the campus and audit classes there. I even have finished the whole Game Theory in this way and it’s really amazing!

  Anyway, I know Alex because, well, it was about 2 year ago. If I’m not mistaken, it was a weekend. I was staying home playing my Play Station that afternoon when I heard some noise outside the door. It was strange, I mean, my apartment building is usually as tranquil as a lake surface, so I went out to check out what was going on. Then I saw a cool boy there moving in his new apartment. I went forward to talk to him and that is how I know him.

  Alex likes to do a lot of things in his leisure time, like playing PUBG, going to movies, swimming and so on. He loves playing PUBG the best and he used to play this game all weekend when there were no classes. He’s so good at the game that some game teams had sent invitations to recruit him, but he refused. Playing PUBG is just a hobby, not a job or career to him I guess.

  Alex is absolutely an interesting person because, well, I believe everyone who’s excellent in playing games is interesting! I love playing PUBG with him and the jokes he tell when playing make him more interesting to me.


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