

发布时间:2020-07-20 17:14:48浏览次数:65文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语【领导力强的朋友】高分素材——为什么他是个好领导,这是四个问题中最后压轴的问题,前面我们都是从不同方面来描述,最后一步



  Why the person is a good leader

  如何高效准备雅思口语,你需要认真准备最后一问,这一问基本和part 3关联。就比如这道题“为什么他是个好领导”,在part 3环节考官就会问你“一个好领导应该具备的品质有哪一些”。这两道题其实没有任何的不同,为此,在准备part 2时多花点心思,思考更多的可能性,这样你就可以轻松的应对part 3话题。

  那么对于这个part 2的小问题,我们就先来思考一下“一个好领导应该具备的品质有哪一些”,以下是我觉得最主要的几个点:

  •Ability to Connect and Communicate 沟通能力

  Leaders are master connectors and communicators. They must have the ability to connect with employees, clients, vendors 卖主, partners, the media, and others and connect their ideas with the needs of the market. And also the ability to communicate their ideas and their vision, the effectiveness of which depends on their communication styles.

  • Ability to inspire 激励能力

  One of the qualities of a good leader most often recognized in iconic figures such as Oprah or Steve Jobs is the ability to inspire others. Although some individuals’ inspire others with their natural charisma, it is possible to teach the mechanics of inspiration. A mark of a true 21st century leader is the ability to inspire others to be leaders themselves

  • Commitment 责任感

  Only when a leader is committed 尽心尽责的 to their organization’s goals, principles and values can they inspire others to be committed. That commitment needs to be felt in their willingness to work hard and to be measured by the same standards as everyone else. In other words, when employees see leaders making sacrifices, they are more willing to make them themselves.

  • Positive Attitude 积极态度

  Leaders must always have a positive, can-do attitude. It’s the only way to face difficulties and overcome crises. Although you can teach how to see things in a positive light and keep up a positive attitude, we tend to think that, to a large extent, people are born with a tendency to see the glass half-full or half-empty. Leadership development may have a limited effect on this trait.

  • Vision 视野

  This is what distinguishes leaders from followers. It’s the dream. Their vision of what can be created that doesn’t yet exist, of how far the organization and its products or services can go, what dream can be achieved. Another one of the very intrinsic 内在的characteristics of a leader that is hard to teach.

  • Willingness to make mistakes 愿意犯错

  Every leader worth their salt is a risk taker and embraces 拥抱 mistakes as part of the journey. They know mistakes will happen along the way. But a true 21st Century leader also:

  Encourages their team to make mistakes

  Doesn’t punish people for making mistakes as a result of risk-taking

  Uses mistakes as learning opportunities

相关热词搜索: 雅思口语素材 雅思口语真题


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