

发布时间:2020-07-20 17:14:48浏览次数:613文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语【描述一个领导力强的朋友】应该如何开始?描述一个领导力强的朋友是人物类话题中的一个难点,它的难只是在于Leader, 这个人物

  雅思口语【描述一个领导力强的朋友】应该如何开始?描述一个领导力强的朋友是人物类话题中的一个难点,它的难只是在于“Leader”, 这个人物对象很少会被我们提及。通过视频的讲解,我相信大家应该对这个话题有一个不一样的认知,同时,你在解题过程中也会有更多的想法。那么现在就我们一起来看一下第一个学生会面临的问题:


  01Who the person is




  1. Personality

  既然是领导,我们可以由性格来带出他的领导魅力,就像很多人会当选也是因为他身上独有的性格特征,比如:responsible 有责任感的/ charismatic 有领导魅力的/ warm-hearted 热心的等。

  Example one:

  I am going to talk about my best friend, Anna. She is responsible andcharismatic 有魅力的. Because of this, she was elected 被选举为 to be the president of the Student Union.

  Example two:

  I am going to talk about my best friend, Anna. She is warm-hearted and always ready to help others. Because of this, she was elected to be the monitor of the class.

  2. Zodiac sign


  在我看来,一个领导人身上的星座属性尤为明显,并且多数领导都集中在这么几个星座里:Scorpio 天蝎/ Virgo 处女/ Leo 狮子。为此,我们可以从这几个星座的属性出发来描述这个朋友究竟是怎样的一个人。


  Example one: Scorpio

  A leader that comes to mind is my friend, Tina. she is also the founder of our school baking club. She is a typical Scorpio who is ambitious, motivated and determined. She is able to accomplish anything that she puts her mind to 全心全意去做 and won’t easily give up.

  Example two: Virgo

  A friend that comes to mind is Jack who is the leader of our school football team. He is a Virgo and people with this zodiac sign are very meticulous 一丝不苟的. Because of this, he takes everything he works on and every decision he makes very seriously. He also pursues perfectionism 追求完美主义 and can’t stand making mistakes. It’s a good quality and also the secret to his success 成功的秘诀.

  Example three: Leo

  A leader that comes to mind is my friend, Anna. She is a typical Leo who is very ambitious. She also has a knack for 有天赋 inspiring and encouraging others. Because of this, she was elected to be the president of the Student Union.

  3. Hobby


  Example :

  I am going to talk about my best friend, Bob, the founder of the school robot team. He has been crazy about robots since he was very young and he knows everything about them. When he started high school, he created the robot team.

  4. Occupation

  想要成为一个leader, 丰富的工作经验也是非常必要的,为此,我们可以从工作角度对其进行拓展。如果他是个自主创业的商人,我们可以从他之前的工作聊到目前的创业;我们也可以按主次对他的工作进行拆分,比如,他是个学生,但利用自己的空余时间进行创业或者负责社团活动等。

  Example one:

  I am going to talk about one of my friends, Lucy, who graduated from a top-notch 一流的 university and worked in Alibaba for over 4 years. Last year, she resigned 辞职 and created her own company. Even though it is a bit challenging, she manages the company very well.

  Example two:

  I am going to talk about one of my friends, Lucy, who is a senior student studying at a top-notch university in Beijing. Even though she has a busy study schedule, she still actively takes part in school organizations and clubs. Last year, she was elected to be the leader of the school volunteering center.


相关热词搜索: 雅思口语真题 雅思口语素材


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