

发布时间:2020-07-09 16:07:35浏览次数:27文章来源:培顿教育
Part1部分大概三四分钟,考官会和你讨论一些浅层的、生活的、爱好的问题。但也不能浅显地作答,因为对话讲究逻辑,尤其是因果关系,递进或转折等问答都是比较常见的。所以,当考官问“Do you like…?”时,一定要给出论点,并列举恰当的论据,当然结尾也是必不可少的。
例:Do you like reading?
No, I don’t like reading. I do not have the patience. For example, I have never been able to read a book from start to finish. Maybe the books I have tried were not interesting enough. So I am not into reading.
Yes. I like reading very much. Firstly, I believe that all of us should read a lot. For example,when you read you acquire new knowledge,which in turn will broaden your views on important matters. In addition I also like reading ‘Crazy English’。The topics are interesting and short, and the translations ensure that I don’t waste time looking up unfamiliar words.
雅思口语考试中的 Part 2 为话题描述,被认为是雅思口语考试中最难的部分,也成为考生最容易失分的部分。一般在2分钟内完成。建议大家在审题的时候,利用1分钟的时间准备做笔记。举个例子:当你被要求描述一个你去过的博物馆,并且列举了以下几个问题:1.博物馆位于哪里?2.对于这个博物馆,你印象最深的是什么?3.你去这个博物馆的原因是什么?那你就需要将几个问题的答案关键词记下来,免得因为紧张忘记关键点以至于跑题。
雅思口语Part1和Part2是关于我们自己生活的,比如hometown, studies, hobbies等,而Part 3则是需要考生就一些社会现象和考官进行深入的探讨,所以大家在雅思口语Part3答题的时候,尽量给出社会现象/普遍的大众化的例子,不要将问题扯到自己身上。这对考生的英文实力要求更高。一般建议考生在5-6分钟内说完。
例:What do you think about the way languages are taught in schools in your country?
bad answer:In my school we learned English and it was taught really badly. I think it's firstly because the teachers themselves were not native English people, and their English was not perfect. So they taught us to say some things incorrectly, and also they could not always say things clearly so we could not learn good pronunciation off them.
Good answer:In most schools in my country, English is the main language taught. I think it is actually taught quite badly because many of the teachers are not native English teachers. A good example is at my school. The teachers themselves were nearly all Korean, not native English people, and their English was not perfect. So they taught us to say some things incorrectly, and also they could not always say things clearly so we could not learn good pronunciation off them.
在上面这个good answer中,先谈论了国家整体情况,然后拿自己的学校做了一个例子。这是一种很好的扩展方式,但还有一部分考官认为即使你先说普遍,再说个体也不可以。所以在考场上,尽量给出general example,以免考官打断。
相关热词搜索: 雅思口语话题 雅思口语题目


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