Listen closely and I will give you all the secrets to getting great scores in IELTS, they are of course…. wait for it… Lots of practice and more practice. 听仔细喽!下面我就告诉你雅思得高分的秘诀。当然,有了秘诀后,一定要练习再练习!
考雅思并无捷径,但一些小技巧还是挺有帮助的。下面这个简单的方法就常被忽略:那就是大声讲出来。 You are being marked on your speaking skill so everything you say will come into account. Even if you say it wrong, it is better that what was said wrong was easy to hear. Speaking loudly can also show you are confident and as it is said “confidence begets confidence”. 考官会给你的口语打分,所以,你讲话的每个细节都很重要。哪怕你讲错了,只要考官听得清楚,也还情有可原。俗话说,自信的人越自信。大声讲出来可以表示你有信心。 I sometimes think of it this way. When you were at school, and I’m sure all of you had to do this at least once in class, “the dreaded speech!” Those that spoke loudly and clearly during their speech always sounded like they knew what they were doing and even if they made a million and one mistakes it wasn’t as embarrassing as the timid student you could hardly hear and whose face was the color of a Valentines Rose but remember; never shout as that is just plain scary during a test. 举个例子吧。我想很多人在学校里至少有过一次“可怕的演讲”。那些声音洪亮、思维清晰的学生往往看上去也胸有成竹,就算犯了再多错误也不觉得尴尬。而羞怯的学生讲话蚊子似的,脸比情人节玫瑰还红。当然,“大声讲出来”并非要大喊大叫,否则就太吓人了。 If you are worried that your English is bad and no one could possibly understand you then listen and fear not, Say it loud, Say it proud. Native speakers aren't always that easy to understand either. 如果你担心自己英语太挫,别人可能听不懂,那也别害怕,骄傲、大胆讲出来就行。要知道,就算英语是母语的人,相互之间也不一定完全听懂呢! |